SIBBS Newsletter Summer 2022

SIBBS Newsletter, Summer 2022 | 4 About the presenter Laura Towers is a Research Fellow in the Department of Sociological Studies at the University of Sheffield. She is also a bereaved sibling, following the death of her older brother, Sean, when she was 18. The evening will be hosted by Trustee of The Compassionate Friends, Claire Coveney. Claire’s big brother and best friend Adrian (Aidy) died suddenly in May 2016, a few days before his 38th birthday. Claire has over 15 years’ experience in communications, working in press and marketing for institutions such as the British Museum, and Arts Council England, and more recently as Head of Membership at the Honourable Society of Lincoln’s Inn. She uses her role as a Trustee to help increase awareness work TCF does for bereaved parents and siblings. In contrast to the psychological literature that currently dominates understanding, Laura’s approach instead focuses on the social aspects of bereavement. For example, how are relationships between the living affected by a death, and how do siblings navigate social situations when conversation turns to family? Central to the study was a focus on time, seeking to understand further how these answers might change and evolve as the years pass by. This event is open to everyone - bereaved siblings, parents, professionals and other family members. The aim is to shed more light on the ways that individuals, their lives and their relationships, are affected by the death of a sibling. Laura will present her key findings and then open up the conversation for comments and questions.