SIBBS Newsletter, Winter 2021

Support in Bereavment for Brothers & Sisters is published by The Compassionate Friends (Ltd). Company No 04029535, Charity No 1082335 | Registered in England and Wales. ©2021 The Compassionate Friends (UK). TCF gratefully acknowledges all contributions to this publication, including any from our TCF friends overseas and those for which we have not been able to find the copyright. Opinions expressed in this journal by individuals are not necessarily those of TCF, the Editor or the Editorial Team. UK Helpline 0 345 123 23 0 4 (10am – 4pm, 7pm - 10pm every day) e: w:   @TCFcharityUK @thecompassionatefriendsuk Support during the Christmas and New Year holidays • Samaritans - 116 123 (free to call) | • Cruse Bereavement Care - 0808 808 1677 | • - A safe online space for young people 16 - 30 who have lost a loved one. • - Free, professional support through grief with a qualified bereavement counsellor TCF National Helpline will be open during the Christmas and New Year period. Other organisations who can help