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Into The Mourning Light

Into The Mourning Light
Our price: £9.99

This is a story of an ordinary woman to whom something extraordinary happened and how the trauma of loss triggered her to deal with grief proactively, positively and with a hands on determination for it not to beat her.

The death of a child is the most devastating experience a parent can face. Andrea Corrie writes of the shattering reality of losing James, her 19 year old son, to accidental drowning in the summer of 2005.

'Into the Mourning Light' should provoke thought, it will make you cry and it may even make you laugh. But, above all, it carries a message of hope that even in the face of cataclysmic loss life goes on and joy is attainable - to most people - once again.

The story follows 8 years of progress from the pit of dark despair of early grief, into the brighter world of her life as she lives it today, that Andrea calls 'the mourning light'.

"An immensely sad, but equally uplifting journey of a mother’s grief of losing a beloved child, who was so full of hope and plans for the future. From the phone call to tell her that James had been found to the present day, Andrea takes us through her many stages of grieving, from the lowest lows and depths of despair to the time when hope, joy and light has yet again entered her life. An inspiring piece of work by a remarkable lady. A brave and powerful book, beautifully written, an immensely valuable guide for any grieving parent". Madeleine on Amazon

Price includes postage and packing.

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