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Nowton Park Walk

Nowton Park Walk

Nowton Park, Bury Road, Bury St Edmunds IP29 5LU.
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15 February 2025, 10.15

Nowton Park, Bury St Edmunds


Bereaved parents and volunteer walk facilitators, Teresa and Shirley are planning their next walk at Nowton Park in Bury St Edmunds on Saturday 15 February. Meet at 10.15am for a 10.30am start.

Shirley and Teresa write:

This is a supportive group walk and all bereaved parents, adult bereaved siblings and grandparents will be made to feel very welcome. These walks are free and are designed to offer you an opportunity to socialise and chat with others who understand, as well as to offer some exercise to support our mental and physical wellbeing. 

The walk will be at a steady pace and fairly short at approximately 2 miles (for around an hour), and our route will take us through short sections of wooded area.

We will have time for a tea/coffee at the park café after the walk for those who wish to join us there.

There are public toilets available by the café from 8 am – 6 pm, including an accessible toilet. The park is free to enter but you will have to pay for parking if you need it.

We look forward to meeting those who have walked with us before, and also welcoming those who are new to our walks. If you haven’t yet walked with us, please don’t feel daunted or apprehensive about joining. You will very quickly find yourself in a friendly, supportive community of other bereaved parents.

We hope very much that you will join us.


Please note that our peer support is for parents bereaved of a child from one month old to an adult son or daughter, from any cause.

We ask please that you wait until you are at least 3 months or more bereaved before accessing our support walks – new walk dates are added on a regular basis here. We very much hope to welcome you at a future walk. During this time, please contact our Helpline on 0345 123 2304 for support.

Please be aware that your email address will be given to our walk facilitators so that they can be in contact with you closer to the time. Teresa and Shirley will be sending out a welcome email about a week before the walk to give you more information and meeting point details. Please look out for it and please also be aware that it can sometimes go into junk or spam folders, so do check there if you have registered for the walk and haven’t received details.

Please note that if you bring along a friend or relative with you for initial support, they will be unable to join us for the walk itself unless they are also a bereaved parent, grandparent or adult bereaved sibling.

As this is a supportive walk, we ask that we stay together as a group for the duration the walk. Thank you. Please note that all walkers join us at their own risk.

Please register your interest/book for this walk by clicking on the ‘Book for this walk’ button below.


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