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Grief is different for everybody and there is no right or wrong way to grieve. Although you may be an adult, or old enough to think like one, you may have difficulty dealing with the enormity of the situation. You may want comforting or you may want to be left on your own.

You may feel unable to approach your parents when their own pain is so raw or you may feel that your own emotions are less important than theirs. You might be in shock and denial, or you may even want to die yourself in the hope of re-joining your sibling. This catastrophic event will change the relationships within your family, and you may now have become the eldest, the youngest or the only child.

Compensating after the death

Using up energy trying to appear ‘normal’ can be exhausting. You may also feel guilty about many different things, including arguments you might have had with your sibling. Grief can make you feel tired, restless, vulnerable, isolated, less confident, or angry that your sibling has been taken from you. These feelings are common and you should not suppress them. Help and support is available instead of suffering by yourself.

However experience of death can teach you to appreciate the things that really matter and to evaluate the choices you make. Many people you meet will not know how to deal with your loss. They may say nothing, or they may make comments that seem cruel or uncaring but this likely to be from ignorance rather than any intention to hurt.

The empty space

You should beware of trying to become a substitute for your sibling or of trying to make up for the things they will not get to do. You have to continue to be the person you want to be.

How many siblings do I have?

When we meet new people we are often asked, “How many brothers and sisters do you have?” It is not an easy question to answer. It sometimes feels awkward or inappropriate to tell someone your sibling has died, but it can also feel disloyal to answer without mentioning the person you love and have lost.

Special occasions

When you have lost a sibling there are special occasions that can be very distressing, both in anticipation and the day itself. It’s a good idea to discuss with other family members how to spend the day. TCF also has a leaflet Coping with Special Occasions.


We all experience a fear of forgetting the person we have lost. There are many different ways to keep their memory alive and these are explored in depth in the TCF leaflet Siblings


We also publish supportive leaflets for siblings as follows:

You can find our full range here. Some of the leaflets we publish for bereaved parents might be helpful to you too. 


TCF publishes online an occasional newsletter, SIBBS (Support In Bereavement for Brothers and Sisters). To receive the siblings newsletter - you can either 'join TCF' as a donating member here (your membership donation helps to support our work with bereaved siblings and their families). Or you can simply sign up to receive a free bereavement support pack and free newsletter for bereaved siblings.

Supportive Retreats, Support Days and Online Support Groups

In recent years The Compassionate Friends has held supportive overnight retreats  and support days for adult bereaved siblings. Most of these supportive events are attended by bereaved siblings aged 18/19 years old or in the 20s, 30s, 40s or 50s.  These are advertised on our website here.

There are also occasional online support group meetings for bereaved siblings. The online support groups are advertised here. 


‘SIBBS’ Facebook Group (over 18 years only)

This is a private TCF Facebook group for adult bereaved siblings. Please note that the majority of siblings in this Facebook group are between the age ranges of 18 - 50 years old. If you are an older bereaved sibling the group may not offer you the most appropriate support. 

If you would like to join, please email the moderators, Emma or Rebecca. Please note this FB Group is for adult bereaved siblings only and is not open to other family members of the deceased such as nieces, nephews, sisters in law or brothers in law.

Bereaved Siblings Facebook Group (under or over 18 years)

Siblings may find this group helpful although it is not affiliated to TCF and TCF cannot take responsibility for its content. It is a closed group but welcomes new people. You need to message them to join.


A free Helpline – 0808 808 1677 – and website, Hope Again, for young bereaved people.


Sibling Support is a charity which offers support to bereaved siblings under 18 years old. 


Support our work

Each year thousands of parents suffer the loss of a son or a daughter. Please help TCF to support families in their time of greatest need.

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Whatever your contact with TCF we encourage you to give us feedback so that we can continue to improve our support.

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