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Lone parents

Dealing with the loss of a child as a single parent, regardless of whether you are separated, divorced, widowed or single by choice, can bring added complications and difficult emotions. When a child dies all parents experience a profound sense of isolation, but for those who are the sole carer for their family there can be a double loneliness.

TCF’s leaflet The Bereaved Lone Parent covers issues like dealing with the practicalities of the early days, managing your return to work, things that might help, dealing with family and friends, and many more.

TCF also has local groups and contacts, an online forum, a quarterly journal and a postal library. Our occasional retreats and gatherings provide opportunities to meet other bereaved parents and to share experiences. You can find details of these events here.

In recent times we have also been offering an occasional support group online for lone parents. More details here.

Support our work

Each year thousands of parents suffer the loss of a son or a daughter. Please help us to support families in their time of greatest need.

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