0345 123 2304 helpline
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Fundraise for TCF


Sponsorship events

The simplest way to ask for the donations is through online giving platforms JustGiving https://www.justgiving.com/compfriends, GoFundMe Charity Fundraising From GoFundMe or Enthuse Platform Login - Enthuse: Branded fundraising for charities.

It's simple to set up your fundraising page and for people to make donations (and add Gift Aid too). The donations come straight to our charity without you having to collect the funds.*

All our fundraising events are listed here : The Compassionate Friends | Events | Fundraising events (tcf.org.uk)

*(We want to thank you for supporting us by fundraising. We appreciate that whilst this can be a lovely way to honour your child, sibling or grandchild, at the same time, we know too that setting up a page or fundraiser in memory of your child can be upsetting in that it reinforces your reality. Please remember that you are welcome to call our Helpline for support on 0345 123 2304 (10 am – 4 pm, 7-10 pm, every day and always answered by a bereaved parent who is here to listen).

Coffee mornings, dinners, raffles and other non-sponsored events.

Please do consider helping us by organising an event to fundraise and raise awareness of TCF. It can be great fun and a wonderful opportunity to get together with friends whilst doing something really worthwhile!

Whatever you decide to do, please make sure it is:

  • Safe – both for you and everyone else involved
  • Legal – there are laws governing raffles, bars and particularly food

Please note that events usually need public liability insurance in place. TCF’s insurance policy will probably cover you but in order to check we will need details of the event and a risk assessment form (we can provide a sample form and guidance on completing it) at least 30 days prior to the event.

We have a range of promotional materials including charity collecting tins so please contact us for these.


Publicity for events

TCF can help promote your event

  • On the public sections of our website
  • Through social media
  • In our charity newsletter ‘TCF News’ which is circulated quarterly to TCF members
  • In our quarterly newsletter for TCF volunteers

Do send details of your event and fundraising as soon as you can to jenny@tcf.org.uk.

You can also request a Compassionate Friends branded t shirt for your challenge. 


Getting the money you raise to TCF

Transfer the money directly into our bank account using the following details:

Bank Name: CAF Bank
Account Name: The Compassionate Friends
Sort Code: 40-52-40
Account No: 00010715

If you have any questions, do contact us on 0345 120 3785 or info@tcf.org.uk.


If you would like to sponsor a leaflet

If you would like to sponsor a supportive leaflet please email info@tcf.org.uk for more information. The cost varies according to the leaflet title, but starts from around £350.

Your sponsorship donation covers the cost of design, artwork and printing for approximately 18-24 months and also includes a dedication message on the leaflet which can be in memory of your loved one.

You can sponsor the next available leaflet or please let us know if you would like to sponsor a specific title.

Ways to raise funds for free




Help us raise funds for free when you shop online with easyfundraising - join hundreds of other people supporting us when they shop online. Just click on this link:

The Compassionate Friends Fundraising | Easyfundraising


Give as You Live

Shop Online & Raise Money For The Compassionate Friends | Give as you Live Online


Nectar Donate

If you have a Nectar card you can donate your points to us via Crowdfunder here:

The Compassionate Friends - a Community crowdfunding project in by Stephen Armstrong (crowdfunder.co.uk)



Please note that TCF cannot take responsibility for losses incurred by fundraising.

Support our work

Each year thousands of parents suffer the loss of a son or a daughter. Please help us to support families in their time of greatest need.

Make a donation

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