In memory of Joe Bleasdale
Joe is the second of our 5 children all born within 9 years of each other. Joe was extremely close to his siblings, Sean, Patrick, Clare and Katie ; and also very close to his many cousins (who he called his “cousin brothers / sisters”) and to his grandparents, aunts and uncles.
From the moment he was born Joe brought so much love and happiness into our family life, and the lives of his many friends. He was kind, funny, sensitive, generous, loving…and mischievous! Joe had a smile that could light up a room.
Joe loved music, and as a postman, walked many miles each day with his headphones firmly in place. Joe also loved his partner Emilie, and was planning to go to France to live with her when, in May 2015, he had a stroke, caused by undiagnosed infective endocarditis. This caused paralysis to his left side and, for a previously very active, healthy young man, the next year posed many challenges, with surgeries, getting well and learning to walk again. His courage, hard work and resilience paid off and in May 2016 Joe left hospital and moved back to live with me, whilst he and Emilie searched for their own place and planned their wedding.
On 22 June 2016 whilst Joe and I were together in the kitchen, preparing his famous “gros Joe” burgers he had a major seizure and was rushed to hospital. Joe died 6 days later, aged 34, leaving us bereft and heartbroken.
We carry on living as best we can, to honour you Joe, whilst always keeping you close to our hearts.
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