In memory of Emma Louise Worsley
A Tribute to Emma Louise Worsley - Sunrise: 20 February 1984 06:15 GMT - Sunset: 09 May 2007 18:55 BST
Emma Louise was a proud, wonderful, quirky, funny and fun-loving Scouser (Liverpudlian). She was born with a congenital brain dysfunction/damage, which led to profound learning disabilities, dyspraxia and dyslexia, perceptual and spatial awareness problems, along with some minor physical disabilities. She never let any of these hold her back, whilst always being aware of her limitations and progressed in leaps and bounds through the special needs education system.
When Emma left formative education at the age of 16 she progressed first to a residential special needs college for a 3 year course in Independent Living but, this didn't work out and, after a year, she came home and continued with Independent Living Skills at the local Liverpool Community College, where she absolutely thrived. However, when she was attending the residential college, they had a wonderful Performing Arts department and tutor and this was the start of her love for all things performing arts. Thus, Emma not being short of determination, once she'd completed
the Independent Living course, progressed to a special needs Performing Arts course at the same College, where she absolutely thrived and shone like a Star. Not only that but, whilst undertaking this course over the next 3 years, she threw herself into every opportunity of the performance arts: from Local Radio Presentation, which encompassed being a DJ, with a special sound-proof Booth in the foyer of the local ASDA; to making music/singing her favourite songs through Merseyside Youth Association Sound Project; and, latterly, to a mainstream Certificated Drama course/group, also through Liverpool Community College but, this time their Adult/Continuing Education just as an 'extra' to give her more skills!
From this, Emma progressed to her first mainstream course in Performing Arts at the Community College's Arts Centre - a one year BTEC, which she was doing P/T over two years, so that she could continue with other basic skills (English and Numeracy) along with a Foundation Course in Art the rest of the time. She absolutely loved this; had set her sights on becoming "a famous actress/singer/performer"; and, at the end of April, managed to secure an Audition at the Liverpool Castings Factory hoping to get a part [at least] as an Extra in locally made TV and Film Productions. They absolutely loved her! So much so, they not only invited her back for 'a reading' in mid-June (when she would have finished her BTEC course, with her only needing to complete the final year dance performance due to be held in mid-May) so that "they could put her forward for speaking parts" but, they did a photo shoot...when, in typical Emma-style (known as MFB Emma by all who were close to her, which stood for Mega Flirty Bottom!!), she 'flirted' with the photographer!!
Tragically, Emma was never to make either the final year dance performance nor see her dreams materialise through the Castings Factory, as she died following a Road Traffic Collision (hit on a Pelican Crossing with right of way, doing everything right...) just over a week following that Audition, with her BTEC being awarded posthumously. The following tribute was written for (by two of her former teachers - 'Mrs Fitz' and 'Clarky' - at her last special school, [the now former] Watergate School) and read out (by the Vicar) at Emma's Farewell/Celebration of Life, which very aptly encompasses the very Essence of Emma Louise:-
"Over the years, teachers who have taught for a long time can look back at the mass of children who passed before them and a very few will stand out. They will stand out for many different reasons. Perhaps they were difficult. Perhaps they achieved beyond what one expected of them. Perhaps they suffered and overcame adversity. Perhaps they amused. Perhaps they annoyed. Or perhaps they lightened the day for the teacher by their very presence; by their beautiful smile, their friendliness, gentleness and kindness and sense of humour. Emma was one of those who lightened a teacher's day.
We had an agenda at Watergate that centred on trying to teach children how to take control of and improve their own lives. Emma soaked up that teaching. She had the capacity to watch closely, listen intently and absorb the messages.
Emma was a complete schoolgirl. She enjoyed everything that she did; she enjoyed her work, she enjoyed her play and she enjoyed her little jokes. She loved her friends and her teachers. We had our own ritual at the end of the day. 'See you later, alligator. In a while, crocodile.' To extend the joke, I would change the answer sometimes -- 'Give us a smile, crocodile' or 'swim a mile, crocodile.' Then a quick hug, and gone until the next day.
If asked to pick out just one abiding memory, it would have to be her smile. Always there, always ready. It will stay with us and it will stay with her family and, hopefully, help to ease the pain they are suffering now.
So, Miss Emma Worsley . . . . 'See you later, alligator. . . .' "
There is also a Road Safety Video, 'Emma's Tragic Story' available on Merseyside Police website - also readily available through this You Tube link: - that was made in October 2014 as part of what was [at the time] a unique venture between myself (Emma's mum) and the then Collision Reduction Officer with Merseyside Police, Sgt Paul Mountford; launched on 9th February 2015 as part of a Road Safety initiative called 'Operation Parkstone'; and which provides a further collage of photographs throughout Emma's life for anyone who would wish to see more.
Please give as little or as much as as you are able in memory of and as a tribute to Emma. All donations will be gratefully received and go to TCF UK. Say her and their names-That their lights may always shine...
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