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Leave a Legacy

Every donation to The Compassionate Friends delivers help where it's most needed.

Approximately 9,000 children and young people under the age of 30 die every year. This leaves 18,000 parents bereaved of their son or daughter a year. Grief for a child last a lifetime and it has been estimated that at any one time over half a million parents in the UK are grieving the loss of a child.

Founded in 1969, The Compassionate Friends (TCF) is the only UK national charity offering peer-to-peer support by bereaved parents to parents and other family members bereaved by the death of a child or children of any age and from any cause.

£50 Provides costs for an information pack on bereavement support to be sent to 10 families.

£150 Provides copies of TCF leaflets and pamphlets to local support groups and local TCF contacts in a region of the UK.

£800 Provides an external trainer for training bereaved who have volunteered to staff the national helpline.

£1,900 Funds our telephone system for a year for our national helpline.

£5,500 Enables TCF to run a series of retreat weekends throughout the year to support those bereaved by suicide or addiction, those who have lost an only child or all of their children, or bereaved siblings.

£10,600 Funds a year’s training for all TCF volunteers without whom TCF would be unable to offer its range of services.

£25,000 Funds a year’s support, including local support groups, calls to the helpline, private online forums, retreats and supportive events, library services and leaflets and pamphlets within two regions of the UK, for example the West Midlands or the North West.


Creating a Legacy - How does it work?

The most common kinds of gift that can be left in your Will are described below.

•Residuary Bequest: A gift of the remainder of the estate after all other bequests have been made and debts cleared is called a residuary bequest.

•Pecuniary Bequest: A gift of a fixed sum of money in your Will is called a pecuniary bequest. The value of pecuniary legacies will decrease over time, as the cost of living increases.

•Specific Bequest: A particular named item left as a gift in your Will is known as a specific bequest - for example, a piece of jewellery.

•Contingent Bequest: A gift in your Will that depends upon the occurrence of an event which may or may not happen is known legally as a contingent bequest. An example is a bequest to a charity which applies only if other beneficiaries named in the Will die before the testator (person who made the Will).

Making a Will and keeping it up to date is very important - it puts you in control.

You can use the process below to make sure your Will reflects your wishes.

1.Assess your estate. Make a list of all your significant possessions. For example, your house, car, savings and insurance, and other items of value.

2.Decide who you would like to benefit from your will. You can choose to share your estate between anyone you like - your spouse, family or friends. You could also leave a legacy to a charity or good cause, such as The Compassionate Friends, after your family and friends have all been properly provided for.

3.Decide what sorts of gift to leave. You can leave any kind of gift: a share of your estate (residuary), an amount of money (pecuniary) or specific items. Your solicitor will also be able to advise you on the benefits of different types of legacy.

4.Choose your executors. You should select between one and four people who will be able and willing to ensure the wishes within your Will are carried out. You can choose your bank, your solicitor, or willing friends or relatives.

5.Make a list of any other questions you may want to ask your solicitor.

6.Arrange to see your solicitor to make your Will. This shouldn't take long - but it is important to involve a legal professional to draw it up for you. If legal formalities are not correctly followed, your Will could be declared invalid. When you are happy with the contents of your Will, make sure that it is executed and witnessed properly. Your solicitor can advise you on this.

7. Keep your Will up to date. You can update your Will at any time to reflect changes in your circumstances - such as the sale of your house, or the death of friends or loved ones. Your solicitor can advise you on the best way to change your Will - either by re-writing it or by adding a codicil.

For more information…….

Please do contact TCF at info@tcf.org.uk for more information on our work and how to leave a legacy to TCF. Please note that we do not offer legal advice on leaving a Will, and advise you to choose a solicitor for advice on leaving a legacy.

If you would prefer to set up your will online you can do it simply here: https://www.freewills.co.uk/charity/tcf

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Each year thousands of parents suffer the loss of a son or a daughter. Please help us to support families in their time of greatest need.

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