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National Bereaved Parents Day 2022

Alexandra's story

"This is my Memorial Garden to my lovely son David who died nearly a year ago. I can't get to his grave very often and like to go out in my backyard in the morning and a spend time of reflection with my coffee - as before he left home I'd spent my life getting up in the morning with him.

I haven't got a lot of money so went to the charity shop and found a Supermario figure and the Amazing Mr Fox - both things he liked. I also found a stone in the garden he had roughly painted so that's in the wheel barrow and a mussel shell from a caravan holiday at Seton Sands 13 years ago which was in the garden. I had the broken pot already and saw these mini- gardens on YouTube. My friend bought me a gnome to paint, not knowing I have this little garden so it will have a new addition soon.

I have a little stool I take out in the mornings and look at the wee garden and know David would think: Mum, what are you doing? But I know the young David would love it. I wanted to share to show that a memory garden doesn't need loads of space - you could make one in a pot, planter or basin and enjoy. I haven't been up to tending my garden but have spent a lot of time on this".

Comments: 1 (Add)

Josanne on 3 July 2021 at 07:34

Carolyn this is beautiful, what a lovely way to connect your your precious David, enjoying your morning coffee.

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