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Could you be a TCF Trustee?
Would you be interested in a rewarding and fulfilling role as a Trustee of The Compassionate Friends (TCF)?
Our Board of Trustees would like to invite you to apply to help run our charitable organisation which offers support, friendship, understanding and hope to bereaved parents, siblings and grandparents. We are in an exciting next phase of our development, having just moved to new national office premises in North London and expanded our staff and volunteer base. We are looking for Trustees that can help to continue our development as the national charityoffering peer support to bereaved parents and their families.
The Board of Trustees is responsible for the governance and strategic direction of the charity and as such works in a similar way to a company board of directors, in as much as each trustee often takes on an area of responsibility for the benefit of the charity.
The Board would be particularly assisted by individuals with skills and experience in areas such as but not limited to Information Technology, Fundraising, Charity/Company Law, Managing Charity Finances, Training and Events Management, Volunteer Management, Public Relations and Communications, Human Resources, or with other skills and experience which could be of benefit to the work of TCF. This is not an exhaustive list and you may have other skills that would benefit the charity. Being a charity Trustee is a challenging, but rewarding, role and we always look forward to welcoming new people to the Board. Typically, the amount of time that a board member might be prepared to devote to TCF would be approximately 5 hours per week. The Board meets together 6 times a year, usually in London at the weekend.
As per TCF’s Memorandum and Articles of Association, to qualify to stand for election you must be a fully paid up Donating and Company Member of The Compassionate Friends. (If you are unsure whether you are a Donating or Company Member of TCF then please sign and return this form to us). If you are not yet a Donating Member please contact the National Office below to sign up and make your donation or go to our website to join TCF. You should also consider whether your other activities outside of TCF could create a conflict of interest which might limit your involvement in making management decisions. Please also note that each applicant standing for election must also be nominated by another Donating Member of TCF.
If you wish to be considered for election, please complete the Nomination Form(including your biographical information and the details and signature of your nominee) and provide a Personal Statement detailing your skills and experience supporting your application, and why these would benefit the charity. You might like to include why you wish to become a Trustee of The Compassionate Friends. The personal statement should not exceed 300 words and will be issued to the membership, together with your brief biographical information, as part of the voting process. This should be addressed to The Chair of Trustees and received electronically to or by post to the address below, by 4 pm onMonday 18th September 2017. Any applications received after this date cannot be considered for nomination. Voting papers will be issued to the membership by post by Friday 6th October 2017 and the voting will be by post, email or personal vote at the TCF office at The Compassionate Friends, Kilburn Grange, Priory Park Road, London NW6 7UJ by Friday 10th November 2017. Announcement of the election outcome will be made on Saturday 25thNovember 2017 at The Compassionate Friends Annual General Meeting.
Maria Ahern, Chair
Susan Hughes, Vice-Chair
Andrew Miller, Company Secretary
If you would like to speak to a current Board Member about the role of a Trustee or your application please contact Maria Ahern or Susan Hughes via our National Office at 0345 1203785 or email.
Support our work
Each year thousands of parents suffer the loss of a son or a daughter. Please help us to support families in their time of greatest need.