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New private Facebook for parents who have suffered loss of a baby, toddler or pre-school child

A new private, closed Facebook group is offering peer support to parents who have lost a baby, toddler or pre-school child.

Your loss can have been just a short time ago or many years previously - all are warmly welcome. We hope the group will offer support, encouragement, some hope and friendship.

We hope the new group will give parents the opportunity to share experiences and pain, some of the difficulties related to the loss of baby or young child, share things that may have been helpful to us on this journey, and anything else that you are feeling since your child died and want to share, get feedback on, or just because you need to give words to your feelings. Together we support each other; together we remember our baby, toddler or child for the love, joy and memories we hold about them.

Contact us at info@tcf.org.uk to request to join. We will ask you a few questions - to keep the group safe for bereaved parents only - and then send you a link to access the group.

Details of all our UK Facebook Groups and how to join are here.

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