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One Step At A Time

When your child dies, it can be impossible to see any hope for a future.  

The Compassionate Friends are here to help you navigate your grief,  
One Step at a Time. 

Raise funds for bereaved parents, siblings and grandparents who have lost a beloved child, sibling or grandchild of any age, from any cause. 

We invite you to walk with your friends and family throughout May. Get out in the fresh air in your local area or discover somewhere new. 

We are asking everyone to walk toward a collective target of 962 miles throughout May 2025 – the distance from Broadlands (home of TCF President Patron, the Countess Mountbatten of Burma), to our TCF Memorial Garden in Perth and back again – to honour the memory of our children, siblings and grandchildren. 

You can raise money by walking 1 mile or 100, including your dog walks and commutes. Download your digital fundraising guidance here.

Sign up now!

On 31st May we invite you to walk at the Broadlands Estate alongside the TCF staff team as the finale to One Step at a Time. More information about this is here.

When you suffer such a tragic loss, it can be hard to see a way forward. Whether you’ve lost a child, love someone who has, or simply want to show grieving parents they’re not alone - every step matters.

We know that not everybody will be able to take part in this event, so here are some alternatives if you want to get involved:

  • Share our fundraising page on your social media
  • Talk to family and friends about what we do
  • Support someone close to you to walk One Step at a Time
  • Donate to our cause

£50 enables 10 families to receive information packs each with relevant leaflets about their unique situation and details of TCF’s bereavement support.  

£100 provides copies of supportive leaflets to 6 local support groups. We create and distribute all our own publications – made by bereaved families, for bereaved families. 

£150 funds training for one bereaved parent volunteer to lead a support group for other bereaved parents. All of our volunteers are bereaved parents or siblings, providing support to other bereaved families in person, over the telephone, by email, online, and in print. 

£300 provides training and support for one bereaved parent volunteer to offer support on our National Helpline, which supports over 1600 parents a year in some of their darkest moments of grief. 

£600 funds the accommodation and activities for two parents to attend a supportive weekend retreat with other parents, who would otherwise be unable to fund those costs. We host weekend retreats for those bereaved from suicide and substance use, for newly bereaved parents, for parents who have lost their only child or all of their children, for siblings and more. 

£1,500 support our National Helpline costs for 1 month.

Sign up now to support grieving parents, siblings and grandparents.

Support our work

Each year thousands of parents suffer the loss of a son or a daughter. Please help TCF to support families in their time of greatest need.

Make a donation

Tell us what you think

Whatever your contact with TCF we encourage you to give us feedback so that we can continue to improve our support.

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