Upright With Knickers On - Surviving the Death of a Child
Upright With Knickers On - Surviving the Death of a Child
by Gina Claye
Gina Claye, a bereaved mum, shares how she survived the death of her two children - what helped to keep her going and, after experiencing the pain and despair of traumatic grief, live life again with hope and meaning.
Gina Claye gives voice to many bereaved mothers and fathers, reflecting on difficult issues such as anger, guilt, exhaustion, and extreme symptoms of PTSD. The book explores practical ways of coping with grief and contains many helpful ideas on what can help the bereaved on their journey of grief. Gina demonstrates - with wit, honesty and wisdom - how companionship in grief, provided by The Compassionate Friends, can foster resilience and bring comfort and meaning to those in deepest anguish".
Dr Margaret Brearley, former Chair of Trustees
Do you suffer from bizarre or weird thoughts and think you are going mad? This book lets you know that these are a normal part of traumatic grief...and will eventually pass.
Outliving our children isn't natural or normal. The only people who can truly understand our pain are other bereaved parents. Here, together with contributions from bereaved siblings and grandparents, you can read what has helped them survive such a traumatic loss.
As a librarian I read a lot of books for those of us who have suffered the death of a child and this is one of the best - and it's easy to read. It's the book I wish I'd had when my daughter died.
Mary Hartley, TCF Librarian
Thanks very much for your brilliant book! I opened up the parcel and an hour later I was still reading. I think you have produced what could become a worldwide TCF classic. It is beautifully structured with your own commentary and edited contributions combining so effortlessly and powerfully. The selected contributions are perfect.
Mick Wilson, former editor of TCF News
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